Alexandra Prodromos

Alexandra Prodromos

Alexandra Prodromos was one of the primary initiators of the Illinois Blockchain Initiative, a state of Illinois consortium dedicated to furthering blockchain development in Illinois, and worked as the only non-government affiliated member of the Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology's Blockchain Working Group. She also worked for nearly 4 years at Bloq Inc a leading blockchain software and services provider. She now works as Head of Blockchain and Digital Currency Strategy at Discover Financial Services. She was appointed as the Executive Director of the Chicago Blockchain Center, a public-private non-profit partnership that serves as a leading educational resource and ecosystem hub for blockchain and cryptocurrency focused companies in the Chicago/Illinois tech ecosystem. She is a regularly invited speaker in Chicago and internationally on the subject of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technology, a Women Tech Founder award recipient in 2018, and was selected as a Crain’s Chicago Business 20 in their 20’s, class of 2019.

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